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Jika Anda Bisa Mengetik dan Akses Internet, Anda Sudah Memiliki Syarat yang Cukup Untuk Menghasilkan Uang dari Bisnis Tiket Pesawat Online

Rekan Netter ...

Prospek Bisnis online di bidang penjualan tiket pesawat masih sangat besar peluangnya, selama perusahaan penerbangan masih ada dan dunia pariwisata terus berkembang, bisnis tiket pesawat masih layak untuk dipertimbangkan, hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah menjamurnya pusat penjualan tiket dimana – mana, sehingga daya saing semakin tinggi, perlu suatu terobosan yang inovatif agar tetap bersaing sehat. Ini lah yang menjadi pertimbangan birotiket.com sehingga membuka peluang bisnis online menjadi biro tiket pesawat secara online dengan modal sedikit tetapi hasil yang sangat luar biasa..

Tahukah anda bahwa Internet juga bisa digunakan untuk menjalankan bisnis jutaan rupiah dengan modal terjangkau? Ya, kini anda dapat memanfaatkan Internet agar dapat menghasilkan jutaan rupiah per bulannya.


1. Proses reservasi / booking bisa dilakukan darimana saja dan kapan saja di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
2. Data yang transparan langsung dari airline.
3. Proses reservasi langsung dilakukan dari sistem airline.
4. Anda bisa mencetak sendiri tiket anda dan penumpang anda bisa langsung terbang.
5. Pembayaran melalui transfer bank sehingga bisa lebih cepat dan akurat.
6. Anda bisa menjual kembali tiket tersebut kepada orang lain dengan harga pasar.


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Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Jusuf Kalla's Tips on How to Suceed in Business

Jusuf Kalla

SOLO, KOMPAS.com - A businessman who wants to be successful should consider three important elements, namely better, cheap, and fast products, former Vice President Jusuf Kalla said.

Speaking at a "Business Gathering to Dig Muslim Economic Development Opportunities and Potentials' in the framework of a Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Economic and Entrepreneurship National Meeting, Kalla said many entrepreneurs in the country could not grow and develop fast enough because they failed to master the three important elements.

"Our entrepreneurs are unable to develop fast because they do not master or heed these three important elements," said Kalla, who is himself a successful businessman from South Sulawesi.

He said for a businessman to make good progress, capital was not the main issue, because it could be obtained from existing government banks. From the national banks, Kalla said both big and small businessmen could get the capital to run their business.

"To get capital, businessmen need not set up their own banks, because it will even burden them with huge costs," Kalla said.

Meanwhile, former National Mandate Party (PAN) chairman Sutrisno Bachir said Indonesia still had a small number of entrepreneurs, and to be a developed country at least two percent of its population should be businessmen. He said the ideal number of businessmen could be reached through education because Muhammadiyah had a lot of educational institutions.

"I hope Muhammadiyah educational institutions can educate as many entrepreneurs as possible," Sutrisno Bachir said, adding that Muhammdiyah had more than Rp1 trillion in assets to create reliable business cadres.

Surakarta Mayor Joko Widodo on the occasion said that to move the people's economy the central government should not only think of big businessmen and ignore street vendors (PKL). He said if the street vendors were managed well by the government, they could become extraordinary people's economic power in the country.

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